We are a fast growing team of technical experts. We solve problems and build companies.
Our Vision
The original iPhone, released in 2007, introduced a new mode of mobile computing. This era of mobility is revolutionary and is changing the way we communicate.
Our core, driving belief is that every major business process and application will be re-imagined as a mobile app. Though much has been accomplished, we have only just begun.
Who we are
Founded in 2010, Touch Adventures is fast growing technical team who is building companies. We deploy mobile apps and the server side software to power those mobile apps.
Our expertise is enterprise applications. We serve real customers with identified business needs.
1. Discover
Give us a challenge. We'll work with you to discover the solution.
2. Plan
We provide detailed project plans for your approval before we begin.
3. Execute
Our team executes the plan and manages the development to keep your project on track
4. Deliver
We deliver fully tested solutions and strive to exceed our clients' expectations.
We Believe
More and more media will be distributed via mobile devices: books, DVDs, CDs, newspapers, and broadcast TV. Mobile payments will become the norm. We will replace or change the way we use credit cards.
The capabilities of our handheld and wearable devices will continue to grow exponentially. Moore's Law states that performance should double every 18 months, hence delivering 100x performance improvement every 10 years.
The capabilities of our handheld and wearable devices will continue to grow exponentially. Moore's Law states that performance should double every 18 months, hence delivering 100x performance improvement every 10 years.
The Future is Mobile
Education will be driven by analytics on mobile devices. Teachers and parents will literally be able to watch children as they learn, and educational materials will adapt to the needs and capabilities of the learner.
Let us be your guide.
Let us be your guide.
Meet the Team